jpaul is a collection of generic implementations of several algorithms widely used in program analysis.


jpaul Contains only the release information.
jpaul.Constraints Generic solver for inequality constraints over lattices.
jpaul.Constraints.SetConstraints Test of the generic constraint solver: set constraint solver.
jpaul.DataStructs Data structures for program analysis and not only.
jpaul.Graphs Graph-related classes and algorithms.
jpaul.Misc Miscellaneous useful classes.
jpaul.RegExps Classes that model regular expressions and NFAs.


jpaul is a collection of generic implementations of several algorithms widely used in program analysis. After a few years in compiler research, it is hard not to notice that compiler researchers spend a lot of their time re-implementing a very small set of algorithms: graph traversals, construction of strongly-connected components, fixpoint solvers, set-constraint solvers, dataflow solvers, etc. The goal of the jpaul project is to provide a generic implementation of these algorithms, separated from any specific compiler infrastructure.

Licence: The entire code is released under the terms of the (Modified) BSD licence. In the spirit of scientific honesty, researchers who use jpaul are encouraged to acknowledge this fact explicitly in their scientific publications.

Alexandru Salcianu -

Copyright 2005 Alexandru Salcianu -