Class SCComponent<Vertex>

  extended by jpaul.Graphs.SCComponent<Vertex>
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<SCComponent<Vertex>>

public final class SCComponent<Vertex>
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Comparable<SCComponent<Vertex>>,

SCComponent models a strongly-connected component of a directed graph: a set of vertices such that there is a path between any two of them. The main way of spliting a digraph into SCComponents is using the method buildScc. Alternatively, given a DiGraph, one may construct a TopSortedCompDiGraph (using its constructor).

$Id:,v 1.13 2006/03/14 02:55:23 salcianu Exp $
Alexandru Salcianu -
See Also:
DiGraph, TopSortedCompDiGraph, buildScc(jpaul.Graphs.DiGraph), Serialized Form

Method Summary
<Vertex> java.util.Set<SCComponent<Vertex>>
buildScc(DiGraph<Vertex> diGraph)
          Splits a directed graph into the set of its strongly-connected components.
 int compareTo(SCComponent<Vertex> scc2)
 boolean contains(Vertex node)
          Checks whether node belongs to this \ strongly connected component.
 java.util.Set<Vertex> entryVertices()
          Returns the entry vertices of this strongly connected component.
 java.util.Set<Vertex> exitVertices()
          Returns the exit vertices of this strongly connected component.
 int getId()
          Returns the numeric ID of this SCComponent.
<Vertex> BiDiNavigator<SCComponent<Vertex>>
          Default navigator through a component graph (a diGraph of strongly-connected components).
 boolean isLoop()
          Checks whether this strongly connected component corresponds to a loop, ie it has at least one arc to itself.
 java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> next()
          Returns the SCCs that this SCC points to in the component digraph.
 java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> prev()
          Returns the SCCs that point to this SCC in the component digraph.
 int size()
          Returns the number of vertices in this strongly connected component.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Pretty-print method for debugging.
 java.util.Set<Vertex> vertices()
          Returns the vertices of this strongly connected component.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static <Vertex> BiDiNavigator<SCComponent<Vertex>> getSccBiDiNavigator()
Default navigator through a component graph (a diGraph of strongly-connected components).


public static final <Vertex> java.util.Set<SCComponent<Vertex>> buildScc(DiGraph<Vertex> diGraph)
Splits a directed graph into the set of its strongly-connected components. The complexity is linear in the size of the original digraph (nb. of vertices + nb. of arcs). We use the algorithm from the DFS-based algorithm from Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, MIT Press, 19th Edition, 1997, Section 23.5, an efficient and simple algorithm.

diGraph - Directed graph
Set of top-level strongly-connected components (ie, SCCs that are not pointed to by anybody). The client may mutate this set, with no effect on the original digraph diGraph.


public int getId()
Returns the numeric ID of this SCComponent. Just for debug purposes ...


public final boolean isLoop()
Checks whether this strongly connected component corresponds to a loop, ie it has at least one arc to itself.


public int compareTo(SCComponent<Vertex> scc2)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<SCComponent<Vertex>>


public final java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> next()
Returns the SCCs that this SCC points to in the component digraph. Returns an unmodifiable list. Returns a list (instead of a set), in order to be consistent with the navigator methods.


public final java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> prev()
Returns the SCCs that point to this SCC in the component digraph. Returns an unmodifiable list. Returns a list (instead of a set), in order to be consistent with the navigator methods.


public final java.util.Set<Vertex> vertices()
Returns the vertices of this strongly connected component. Returns an umodifiable set.


public final int size()
Returns the number of vertices in this strongly connected component.


public final boolean contains(Vertex node)
Checks whether node belongs to this \ strongly connected component.


public final java.util.Set<Vertex> entryVertices()
Returns the entry vertices of this strongly connected component. These are the vertices that are reachable from outside the component. Returns an unmodifiable set.


public final java.util.Set<Vertex> exitVertices()
Returns the exit vertices of this strongly connected component. These are the vertices that have arcs toward vertices outside the component. Returns an unmodifiable set.


public final java.lang.String toString()
Pretty-print method for debugging.

toString in class java.lang.Object

Copyright 2005 Alexandru Salcianu -