Class TopSortedCompDiGraph<Vertex>

  extended by jpaul.Graphs.DiGraph<SCComponent<Vertex>>
      extended by jpaul.Graphs.TopSortedCompDiGraph<Vertex>

public class TopSortedCompDiGraph<Vertex>
extends DiGraph<SCComponent<Vertex>>

TopSortedCompDiGraph is a topologically-sorted component digraph. Given a digraph, its component digraph is the (acyclic!) digraph having as vertices the strongly-connected components of the original digraph (its arcs are trivially induced by the original arcs). Being acyclic, the component digraph admits a topological ordering.

$Id:,v 1.8 2006/03/14 02:29:31 salcianu Exp $
Alexandru Salcianu -

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jpaul.Graphs.DiGraph
Constructor Summary
TopSortedCompDiGraph(DiGraph<Vertex> graph)
          Constructs the topologically sorted component digraph of digraph.
Method Summary
 java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> decrOrder()
 BiDiNavigator<SCComponent<Vertex>> getBiDiNavigator()
          Returns the (bi-directional) navigator for this digraph.
 java.util.Collection<SCComponent<Vertex>> getRoots()
          Returns the roots of this directed graph.
 SCComponent<Vertex> getScc(Vertex v)
 java.util.Map<Vertex,SCComponent<Vertex>> getVertex2SccMap()
 java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> incrOrder()
Methods inherited from class jpaul.Graphs.DiGraph
constructBiDiNavigator, dfs, dfs2, diGraph, diGraph, findPath, findPath, findPath, forAllVertices, getComponentDiGraph, getForwardNavigator, numArcs, numVertices, reverseDiGraph, subDiGraph, toString, transitivePred, transitivePred, transitivePredWithFrontier, transitiveSucc, transitiveSucc, transitiveSuccWithFrontier, union, vertices
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TopSortedCompDiGraph(DiGraph<Vertex> graph)
Constructs the topologically sorted component digraph of digraph.

Method Detail


public java.util.Collection<SCComponent<Vertex>> getRoots()
Description copied from class: DiGraph
Returns the roots of this directed graph. By "roots of a digraph" we mean any set of vertices such that one can explore the entire graph by (transitively) navigating on their outgoing arcs (using the next method of the navigator). Notice that this set is not uniquely defined; also, it is OK to return ALL the vertices from the digraph. The caller is not supposed to mutate the returned collection.

Specified by:
getRoots in class DiGraph<SCComponent<Vertex>>


public BiDiNavigator<SCComponent<Vertex>> getBiDiNavigator()
Description copied from class: DiGraph
Returns the (bi-directional) navigator for this digraph. The default implementation gets the forward navigator by calling getForwardNavigator, explores the entire digraph and constructs the predecessor relation. Clearly, this is quite costly, and does not terminate for infinite digraphs.

Note: You MUST overwrite at least one of getBiDiNavigator and getForwardNavigator.

getBiDiNavigator in class DiGraph<SCComponent<Vertex>>
Bi-directional navigator for the component graph.


public java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> decrOrder()
List of the strongly-connected components of the underlying digraph, in decreasing topologic order, i.e., starting with the SCCs with no incoming arcs.


public java.util.List<SCComponent<Vertex>> incrOrder()
List of the strongly-connected components of the underlying digraph, in increasing topologic order, i.e., starting with the SCCs with no outgoing arcs.


public SCComponent<Vertex> getScc(Vertex v)
Strongly-connected component that v belongs to; returns null iff v does not appear in the original dag.

For space-savings purposes, we do NOT construct a map from vertices to SCCs; instead, each getScc query takes time linear in the number of SCCs. If you do many calls to this method, you may want to use getVertex2SccMap().


public java.util.Map<Vertex,SCComponent<Vertex>> getVertex2SccMap()
Map from each vertex from the original dag to its corresponding strongly-connected component. You should use this method in case you want to do many getScc-like queries (getScc is quite expensive). The returned map has a predictve iteration order (it's a LinkedHashMap).
See Also:

Copyright 2005 Alexandru Salcianu -